To do a Wall-Cancel, Stand perpendicular to a wall. Have melee active. Run at the wall, jump, jump off the wall, slash, dash at the wall, jump off the wall, slash, dash at the wall, jump off the wall, repeat. This is a basic move to keeping yourself in the air. Multiple-Wall Run
This is a harder move, due to the small angle-of-approach used for a wall-run. I've taken a picture of the proper angle of approach for a wall-run.
As you can see, you can't approach from a large span. So when doing this move, keep this angle in mind.
To do a Multiple Wall-Run, start a Wall run on a wall. When you near the end of the wall/run, jump off, slash, turn 180 degrees, dash at wall, and double-tap space bar. This is a tough move to get down. You can turn this into a continuous wall-run by not doing a 180 degree turn. I've taken replays of both to give you a better understanding of what to do.
Light Step
This will train your fingers for the half-step and flash-step. It's a pretty useless move, all it does it let you dash twice in midair.
To Light-Step, jump, dash, slash, and dash.
A fundamental of sword fighting.
To Butterfly-Step, Jump, Dash, Slash, and Block right after the slash.
The Slash-Shot
Yeah, now you'll learn how to do the famed slash-shot =]
To Slash-Shot, Jump, Dash, Slash(HOLD), Change to a Gun, Gun will shoot.
Advanced K-Style
Now onto the advanced moves, these are what makes a K-Styler so good =]
Once you get this move down, chances are you wont use the Slash-Shot anymore.
To Half-Step: Jump, Dash, Slash(HOLD), Change, Dash(RIGHT AFTER CHANGE), Gun will shoot.
Apparently this is not the half-half, but it sure works hella better.
Another Variation of Half-Step, with 3 Dashes.
To Half-Half Step: Jump, Dash, Slash(HOLD), Change, Dash(RIGHT AFTER CHANGE), Jump, Dash, Gun will shoot.
A Move that lets you slash twice in one jump. This is a very versatile move.
To Flash-Step: Jump, Slash, Change to gun, Change to melee, Slash
You can switch up this move by throwing in dashes and the such.
Unblockable Massive
An unblockable massive strike. Simply turn around 180* when you encounter a blocker with a massive strike. They will get hurt by the massive, but they will still be in block mode, so you must aim the feet.
The "Instant-Kill" is a move that uses the alternate swing of the sword to do. What you do is knock the enemy in the air, then aim at the apex of the knock, and fire. You can either then take this move separate ways:
Butterfly near landing point -> Knock Shoot near landing point -> Knock Knock and repeat.
Added (28/Sep/2008, 7:08 Am)
The Wall-Post is a move that I started to use. Basically a Wall-Post is a Half-Step off of a wall instead of the ground.
To Wall-Post: Jump, Dash at wall, Slash(HOLD), Jump, Change, Dash away from wall, Fire
This can only be done in certain points of maps. It's basically sustaining yourself in the air while you reload, so you can keep yourself safe and/or get away at the same time, while reloading your gun.
Quickmedding is a basic skill that allows you to drop meds twice as fast.
To Quickmed, keep running at a wall, take out the first set of meds, and drop it (HOLD DROP). Change to second set of meds, it will drop, then change back to first set, it will drop, then change to second set. Do this for how long you need to.
A rarely-used move, but sometimes helpful. It's just like a slashshot, but with a MedKit/RepairKit in the hand. In this move, you hold Fire till you hit the ground, at which the medkit will drop. After this, you should light step over the medkit to ensure you picking the medkit up. Remember that the medkit will drop in the direction you are moving, so make sure to plan your pickup in the way the medkit is going to move to.
Equipment for K-Stylers
So, wondering about what equipment you should be carrying? There are many good combinations for K-Stylers, here are some below. I'm rating the combinations from 1 Star (*) up to 5 stars (*****) as I see it in my opinion.
Shotgun - Shotgun : The most common combination seen, and arguably the easiest to use, and most powerful. Shotguns do good damages at medium range, but when it comes to long-range fighting, you'll have to get closer to deal some damage. (*****)
Shotgun - Revolver : Another good combination. This gives you the ability to do damage at both long ranges and short ranges. (*****)
Revolver - Revolver : A tougher combination to use, since at closer ranges you will lose the ability for a spread hit and non-concentrated damage. Also, revolvers tend to be pretty accurate, and lag may become an issue on your accuracy. (***)
Shotgun - Rocket : Another good combination, although the rocket will not work at long ranges. (****)
Revolver - Rocket : Good damages at long range and short, although I'd prefer a shotty over a rocket anyday. (****)
Rocket - Rocket : A tough combination to use, but if used correctly can be very formidable. You lose any hope of damaging at long ranges, so any Rifle/Revolver users out there will tear Rocket/Rocket users up. (**)
Rifle - Shotgun : You now only have one "SS"-able weapon now, so you'll be going hybrid now. This is a very unexpected combo as most players don't expect a SG user to whip out a rifle at any given point. (****)
Rifle - Revolver : Meh. Another long-ranged base set, I'd prefer going Revolver/Revolver for the concentrated damages. (**)
Controls Many newer and older K-Stylers are still trying to get in a comfortable stance on the keyboard to play K-Style. There is a right stance for every person, and it takes some time to get used to newer stances. There are 2 Basic Stances, If anyone has some that they would like me to add, please reply.
Default Stance
Using the games default controls. I use this, I've never had any problems. Many people say that reaching 1 2 and 3 is too hard for them, although I have to problems getting to them. Pinky on Shift, Thumb on Space, Ring for W A S 1, Middle for W S D 1 2 3, Pointer for W A S D 2 3 4 5. Fingers in this stance will change roles on certain keys a lot, Example: During a Flash step my middle and ring go up to 2 and 1 respectively, while my pointer dashes on WASD. Here's an image guide:
QEF Stance
Changing 1,2 and 3 to Q, E, and F respectively. People with smaller hands will like this better than the Default Stance. This makes 4 and 5 hard to access, and makes slashmedding virtually useless.