Hey , My name is Austin Mitterhuber. Im 17 years old . Currently living in Canada/ Ontario. I really like to help out servers as much as possible . But i take my job very serious. In DarkGunZ i was a Gm. If your In to darkGunz you might know me . My name is Kashii. But sadly i got demoted because i was inactive. But the reason for that is that i went to egypt for 3 weeks. Also Trinity GunZ i wasnt part of the staff but was very close according to Koreans ( Owner ) anyways why am i talking about those servers. Now. Hades GunZ. Sounds very good. I play about 4+ hours GunZ a day but im not like * nerd * But i know all the rules. I can Code c++. Easily ban hackers. Hmm topic hackers. Completely unacceptable. IT RUINS THE FUN. Any hackers reading this please leave the website. Anyways im very mature. very experienced. And i really want to help this community. Thanks alot. Reply or pm me.