Hello, I'm Peter Nguyen.
Race : Viet / Asian / Chinky w/e you call me
Age : 16 Sixteen
Height : 5 . 11
Times on gunz : Wake up, Play till night time.
Description : Very active person with Asian technology. I Was just wondering if you guys were recruiting, I'm willing to help on banning the hackers on Gunz. I Have been a GM before, but the server went down. I Don't give people another chance, I'm not a nice person when it come's to hackers.
Why I want this job : When I was 12, I would always wish i had powers to ban the hackers. But when i try to bring the GM to the Room, the hacker left, and I'm the one who gets banned.
I Just wanna help your community and your server. If you're not recruiting. It's fine.
All the best,
Hades Gunz